In 2010, we set on a mission to provide Australia’s best ramen to Brisbane.
Taste wise, it’s about sourcing the best produce and using the best technique. We craft every single component in our ramen from scratch. And the recipe is constantly evolving, it’s a never ending pursuit. We seek out beautiful local produce where possible. Bangalow Sweetpork, organic free range eggs by Country Range farming, Australian durum wheat by family farmers.
Safety to us is about more than normal food hygiene and safety. It’s about avoiding harmful chemicals, (no MSG, artificial preservatives or colouring), backing local ethical farming for a peace of mind. Think of the cruel reality of how a common commercial caged egg is produced. The hens are caged and stacked in multiple layers on top of each other and feces constantly falling on their bodies from the cage above. The hens are trapped and stressed, only able to stick their heads out to eat food from the conveyor in front of them. I don’t believe that is the right way to farm. We want to support farmers who care. It’s about thinking local, ethical, caring for the environment,
Hospitality, I think Japanese hospitality enhances the experience and adds authenticity. But it’s not about blindly following what’s done in Japan because if you look closely at what’s happening in most popular ramen shops in Tokyo, I shake my head. They make customers que up in long lines, the shops are tiny with limited space, kids are usually not welcome, etc etc, there are so many house rules which aren’t necessarily aimed for the benefit of the customers. So I try to mix the Japanese spirit, subtle attention to detail etc with good old Brisbane style, which is about being genuine, friendly and relaxed.
During the years, I have come to believe in a win for all philosophy. I like to call it our “4 Win Policy”. By operating our business, I want to create a win for all stakeholders surrounding the business. Providing an authentic boutique ramen experience for Customers; Telling the story behind the produce we use and delivering the deserved respect to the Producers and Suppliers; Creating a safe, rewarding and satisfying workplace for Employees; and bringing challenge, growth and satisfaction for Management/Owner.
We will strive to be the provider of Australia’s best ramen. Thanks for your ongoing support.
Taro Akimoto